Oakland Park, FL Reviews

2 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Oakland Park

Oakland Park is a city located in Florida, known for its diverse community and proximity to popular destinations such as Fort Lauderdale and Miami. It has a population of approximately 45,000 and is home to various parks, restaurants, and shopping centers.

Oakland Park is a great place to live, according to many user reviews on BestPlaces.net. One reviewer, Sarah J., praises the city's diversity, saying "I love the fact that Oakland Park is such a melting pot of different cultures. It's truly a vibrant and welcoming community." Another user, Michael M., highlights the city's convenient location, stating "Living in Oakland Park gives me the best of both worlds - close enough to Fort Lauderdale and Miami for entertainment, but still affordable compared to those cities." Similarly, Sharon R. shares her positive experience living in the city, saying "The cost of living in Oakland Park is reasonable and there are plenty of options for housing, from apartments to single-family homes." However, not all reviews are glowing. Lisa B. shares her concerns about the city's safety, stating "I've lived in Oakland Park for a few years now and I can't say I feel completely safe at all times. There have been some incidents in my neighborhood and the overall crime rate is concerning." Despite this, the majority of user reviews reflect a positive perspective on living in Oakland Park.

 based on 2 Reviews
Get to know Oakland Park with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Oakland Park

Diverse Oakland Park - 1/11/2024
I have lived in Oakland Park for 10 years originally from the East coast. What I like about Oakland Park although it is city within metro Fort Lauderdale it still has a small town feel.
Prices of home are reasonable compared to surrounding towns like Wilton Manors and Fort Lauderdale. There is a large LGBT population that have moved here as it is cheaper than the surrounding areas yet close to Wilton Manors.
They are investing in the future they have just built a new fire station, three new parks, pickleball courts and soon a new city Read More

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Quality of Life - 10/23/2009
You are living in the greater Fort Lauderdale area. It's the city, so you get all the good and all of the bad of city life. I'm not saying we are big like NYC or Chicago, or anything like that. But we have a lot of the same qualities - good and bad. I live on a beautiful street in a lovely home, but if you walk just a block away you are bound to see a drug deal or someone in the dumpster at 7-11 looking for his next meal - true story. On the other hand, I am very close to the airport, shops, restaurants the beach and the theater. The schools, well I wouldn't send my daughter to the public schools here. You just have to factor in private school into your budget or you get lucky and win the lottery they have to get into one of the magnet Read More

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